Margaret Kinnevy, as a Pennsylvania Medical Board Licensed Acupuncturist (LAc), maintaining national board certification (Dipl Ac) from the NCCAOM since 2009, went on to receive her Doctorate in Acupuncture Integrative Medicine. She facilitates healing through hands on therapies, education, and consultation. The range of services she offers will allow you to be seen by one person who can support you through periodic disruptions in wellbeing or surprise medical diagnoses that inevitably arise throughout adult life.
After many years as an RN in sick care settings in hospital, home, and long term care, and as a mom and a woman with an interest in preventive medicine, women’s lifespan health is her passion. Her special focus on the inner ecosystem of the whole person allows her to help women prevent and reverse various systemic disruptions. This includes issues of menstruation, reproduction, and perimenopause in which digestive, cardiometabolic, and nervous system function play a large role. She also offers comfort for pain patterns and end of life care.
Margaret can tend to your concerns with abdominal massage, advanced acupuncture as taught by Jeffrey Yuen, five element acupuncture, and a variety touch based therapies along with education and consultation. Cultural, social, spiritual, and environmental factors cannot be separated from the healing process. Helping women and their families have agency as they navigate among different helpers is a vital role her clients value.
She treasures her time engaging with people and plants through leading hikes in the Wissahickon and during meal and herbal medicine making in her community kitchen.
Margaret can be reached at 267-934-4682 or via her email.